Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Turns & twists

 Episode 2
Turns & twists: Life had just taken a turn for them. It’s a complete family now. I mean what else anyone wants in life. A settled job, good salary and  a sweet little family.

Things were going really well and time was flying high. Each day was like fairy tale. Yes this is what the girl had planned since childhood, and she was living her perfect life. The small little angel started talking, walking and school too. Although things were smooth here but life always supposed to take a turn.

Change is permanent. The home never seemed as home to her, daily issues, arguments made her feel sick but still for the happiness of her husband she tried making everything beautiful for everyone.  The little girl now started to going to school and here comes a very special day, her first performance for a stage show. The excitement did not really turn out to be a pleasant one. The guy who had been planning to see his little daughter performing on stage that did not happen.

It was the last day of his journey of life. He felt a little chest pain at night, walked down to the near hospital to see a doctor. Then people did not even have a concept for mobile phones. Next morning the wife thought of visiting the hospital and see him since he did not come back at night. He could not witness his angel’s performance. One incident and everything shattered. The dreamer is now all alone to face the world. The moment she arrived in the hospital found no one around, kept looking for some staff and finally a nurse showed her the direction to the room. Till she entered inside the room she was a married girl, a lucky charm, but the moment she discovered a body lying on the bed instead of her husband; the world turned upside down.

She infact already ironed the Saree that she was gonna wear during her daughter’s first stage performance. In fact kept the best shirt also ready for him. Everything was planned… since morning to the dinner menu post the show. But life can be cruel anytime, and does not even give damn to your plans.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Story of a DREAMER....

Episode 1
Dreamer…. she is a real dreamer. Started her journey from a small town… mmm we should call it a village rather.

May be I can start with the introduction like this; there is small place called Panchet.. A beautiful, modern girl, Ishani got married to a tall-dark-handsome guy, Arindam 35 years back. Yes pretty long time. Arindam is the eldest of the family, the most responsible and monument of sacrifices. The girl was asked by the boy’s family about her hobbies, on which Ishani’s father proudly said “amar meye ghurte valobase” (My daughter loves to travel). But meanwhile her father leaves the world so the marriage got delayed and finally, 30th June, 1980 they got married. Although Ishani loved to travel but the moment she reached a station named “Kumardhubi” where even there were no platform made till then she got disappointed. Being a modern girl of Kolkata city this seemed to her like a nothing but a village.

But still the journey starts. The communication was not easy those days, people were still postal service dependent, so the only source of her smile other than her husband’s love was the letters, the postcards sent from her parent’s house, be it her brothers or sister. She is now a part of new family, but was she really welcomed? No…. a big no. Why and what was the cause that could never be clarified although. Its the same old story of Indian families, parents house and in-laws house. Girls hardly understands where they belong actually!

Ishani was a part of a big family before marriage and here it was literally the same story but she was missing happiness, love and pamper she got at her parents house. Soon the situation went so bad that she had to go to her paternal house and on this Arindam decided to stay separate and maintain healthy relation with his family. So he went and got his wife back to a new house (though quarter by company).

Through thick and thin life moved on. They both enjoying a sweet bond, a happy married life. In a few years they discovered they are going to be parents. There were no limit to their happiness. Ishani wanted to share the news with her family in Kolkata, However the guy also wanted to share the new with his family, since they were a closer option so they went to greet them and shared the news.

Surprisingly she was not really appreciated in fact did not even receive a congratulation from her in-laws family. She never knew that they could be so difficult. She was upset at this behavior and wanted to go to Kolkata during her pregnancy and for childbirth. But unfortunately she had to cancel the plan and stayed at her in-law’s house.

She was anyways treated as an unwanted part of family now she was not alone. She was carrying one more life within. Time passed by, she had to be emotionally strong and finally during new year time she gave birth to a girl child.

Needless to say…. we are still in India so even after the happiness of newborn, there were still expectation for a baby boy. But the father was very happy to see his little princess, in fact in no time he was promoted. It was a double happiness time for him.
May be this is all he wanted all his life. Just love nothing else. Even though he was eldest he always had to fight his life alone. So for him his wife and newborn brought ocean of happiness.

to be cond.

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Teenage just ছুয়েছিলো ওকে
ওর নাম নয়নতারা
চোখ  দুটো মায়া মাখানো
ঠিক যেমন পরীদের হয়  ।

ওদের পাড়ায় থাকতো
দামাল আর রকবাজ
পাড়ার ঠেকে বসে শুধু আড্ডা
ঠিক যেমন ছেলেরা হয় ।

ওদের পূর্বরাগের শুরু
দূর্গা পুজোর meeting -এ
কত planning কত কাজ আর
একটু আধটু romance
ঠিক যেমন সিনেমাতে হয় ।

তারপর college
ভালবাসা আরো জোরে ছুটতে শুরু করলো
highway ধরে
কেউ পারবেনা থামাতে আর

নয়নতারা করলো ডাক্তারি পাশ
সবুজ তখন rockband বানাবে
মাঝখানে কিছুদিন, কাটলো মলীন
ঠিক যেমন জীবনে হয় ।

Rockband টা ভালো চলেনি
সবুজকে আর facebook বা twitter এ দেখেনা নয়ন ।
এই নামেই তো ডাকত সবুজ ওকে
ঠিক যেমন ভালবাসাতে হয় ।

নয়ন থাকে এখন California
ডাক্তারি পড়ায় Standford -এ
সবুজ যদিও রাখে নয়্ননের সব খবর
ঠিক যেমন ভালবাসায় হয় ।

নয়ন আসবে কলকাতায়
ওর  একটা guest lecture আছে
nostalgia  আর একটা চিনচিনে pain
ঠিক জানা নেই এরম কেন হয়

দূর্গাপুজো এখনো হয় ওদের পাড়ায়
কত কত নয়ন আর সবুজ
এখন ভালবাসা অনেক আলাদা
ঠিক জানা নেই এরম কেন হয় ।

নয়ন-সবুজের ভালবাসা ছিলো
বৃষ্টির মত... refreshing !
শরতের রোদের মত পাগল করা
ঠিক যেমন আজ আর হয়না ।

নতুন তবুও জানলোনা, সবুজ কোথায়!
সবুজ হয়ত বলবেও না
নয়ন এখন NRI
অথচ সবুজের গলায় গান নেই
হয়ত এমনটাই reality তে হয় ।।